Financial Form Decisions

Originators should complete these steps after launching a form. If you are an Approver in the curriculum workflow, you will receive an email message prompting you to login to review a form.

- After logging in to Curriculog, you will see the form listed on the left under the My Tasks tab. Click the bookmark icon which appears to the right of the form's title to Watch Proposal. This enables you to continue to view the form after your decision has been entered.

- Click on the form’s title to open the form and from the right sidebar, click the checkmark icon to enter a Decision:

  • Approve moves the form on to the next step in the approval workflow.
  • Reject returns the form to the originator, who must re-submit it if they wish to continue. 
  • Cancel - Entering a decision to Cancel a form sends a request to the Administrators, who will approve or reject the request. If an Administrator approves the cancel request, the form will be referred back to the originator. The originator may then re-launch the form or cancel it, which will delete the form from Curriculog. If an Administrator rejects the cancel request, the form will remain on the current step awaiting a decision. To request a cancellation for a form that you have already entered a decision for (e.g., Approve), email the Administrators at
  • Custom Route - A custom route is an additional ad-hoc step outside of the steps in the approval process. This will allow you to bring someone else into the form that is not included in the current steps of the form. Custom routes require Administrator approval.​

- After your decision is entered, click the Make My Decision button to finalize it. If you have selected Approve, the form will go to the next user in the workflow.

- The right sidebar menu also includes tools for the following actions:

  • Discussion (speech bubble icon) 
    • View User Tracking to see what edits have been made and by whom.
    • Add and Reply to Comments. Comments text will be visible to all users in the approval workflow, which is listed in the Workflow Status (see next bullet point).
  • Workflow Status (list icon)
    • View the Workflow Status, which shows users in the approval workflow and their decision status.
  • Files (paper clip icon)
    • Attach a file or view attachments from other users